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Bravery and Vulnerability

I've been reading Brene Brown's recent book "Daring Greatly". Most of the information is stuff I already know, but it's…

11 years ago

Grief, when you least expect it

I went out to 'Trouble with the curve' tonight with my wife. This story of a relationship between a father…

12 years ago

Burning the Journals

I just got back from a camping trip with my wife. With her support, I burned several boxes of old…

12 years ago

Staying present and moving at the same time

I have two books on the go right now. Writing, not reading. One is a novel I wrote about three…

12 years ago

Pap Test Success for Incest Survivor

I am an amazon! I had a pap test and negotiated for what I needed. Yay me. I went to…

12 years ago

I am happy.

I haven't written much because not much on the sexual abuse theme has been up lately. I'm happy. I smile.…

12 years ago

Bountiful Abuse – why something stronger was needed to stop a religious child abuse ring

In Creston BC, which is in the western section of Canada, the country where I live, there is an organized…

12 years ago

‘Mother’s day’ song for mother complicit in child abuse

I did end up writing a song,. about the hypocrisy of my mother expecting me to celebrate mother's day, to…

13 years ago

Dear teachers (who saved my life)

Dear Teachers, I know some of you remember me. I was gifted and quiet, well behaved, used big words solemnly,…

13 years ago